Train Director - Simulations List

  Train Director - Simulations List

Belarus (1)

Belgium (6)

Denmark (1)

Finland (2)

France (28)

Germany (17)

Japan (4)

Italy (205)

Poland (1)

Portugal (5)

Spain (9)

United Kingdom (2)

United States (4)

Ukraine (1)

Belarus Flag


Line Date Size Author Description  
Minsk Passazhirsky 9/5/15 2.6M Dima Larin Minsk-Passazhirsky is the main railway station of Belarus. It serves arriving and departure trains in 4 directions: Brest, Gomel, Molodechno, Orsha. The station has 5 platforms and 14 tracks.
The content of the zip file needs to be extracted in a separate directory before playing can start.
This is the result of 3 years of work, and found several bugs Train Director.
Note that this scenario uses Cyrillic characters. It will not appear correctly on systems that don't have Cyrillic fonts available.

Belgian Flag


Line Date Size Author Description  
Lier - Herentals 10/24/21 70 kB Ben Nimmegeers Section between Lier and Herentals on the Antwerp - Brussels line. More information on the dedicated page.  
Gent-Antwerp 5/4/19 5.8M Ben Nimmegeers Simulation of line 59, from Ghent-Dampoort to Antwerp-Berchem. Original Belgian signals and passenger traffic. The line includes the station of Lokeren and St. Niklaas that were featured in a different simulation.
Brussels Nord 4/2/18 20k Ben Nimmegeers Simulation of the Brussels Nord and Brussels Central stations, known in Belgium as the "railroad bottleneck". Weekday 2018 timetable, with more than 1100 trains. The train icons show which platform the trains should go to.
Brugge 11/8/15 18k Ben Nimmegeers Simulation of the Oostende - Brugge (Ostend - Bruges) section and branching lines. A "classical" scenario, where all actions are performed by the player, unaided by scripts or specific signals. The 434 treni and the 5 brancing lines require constant attention from the player.
Belgian High Speed 8/8/15 11k Ben Nimmegeers The high-speed lines in Belgium that connect Cologne, Lille and Amsterdam to Antwerp, Liège and Bruxelles, for a total of more than 300 km of tracks.  
Lokeren-Sint-Niklaas 6/14/15 10k Ben Nimmegeers Section between Beervelde and Zwindercht of the Gent - Antwerp line, comprising the stations of Lokeren and Sint-Niklaas. A "classical" scenario, where all actions are performed by the player, unaided by scripts or specific signals. A mix of a total of 237 long distance and local trains that originate from the 2 stations requires planning of the trains' route selection.

Danish Flag


Line Date Size Author Description  
Varde 1972 9/5/15 37k Kay-Martin Hanschmann Varde includes a small part of the main line from Esbjerg to Struer in Western Jutland (Vestjylland) and two small private railways from Varde to Noerre Nebel and from Varde to Grindsted. Grindsted-Varde was completely closed and dismantled in 1972, whereas passenger traffic to Noerre Nebel is still alive. Track layout and trains from original plans, timetable imaginary.

Finn Flag


Line Date Size Author Description  
Kemijarvi-Helsinki 12/2/07 15k Tapani Kunnas This layout includes the longest route in Finland: from Kemijärvi in Lapland to Helsinki in Southern Finland, total length is 983 km. The readme file includes details about the line.  
Oulu 12/2/07 6k Tapani Kunnas Oulu Station and surrounding stations from Tuira to Pikkarala and Kempele. The readme file includes details about the line.

French Flag


Line Date Size Author Description  
Parigi - line RER B 10/31/20 379 kB Clément Debrie Regional metropolitan line RER B that crosses Paris from north-east to south-west. More info at the dedicated page.  
Paris St Lazare and J line 10/31/20 300 kB Clément Debrie Station of Paris St. Lazare and suburban line J towards Normandy. More info at the dedicated page.  
Strasbourg 2016 10/31/20 1.7 MB Clément Debrie Update of the railroad network around Strasbourg, in the Bas Rhine and Alsace region of France with the high-speed branch added in 2016 and the new train schedule. More info at the dedicated page.  
Strasbourg 2014 5/23/20 1.7 MB Clément Debrie Rail network around Strasbourg, in the Bas Rhine and Alsace region of France. More info at the dedicated page.  
LGV Rhin-Rhône 3/12/17 152k Arnaud Frisetti Rhin-Rhône French high speed line, with the Besançon TGV and Belfort-Montbeliard TGV stations.
Vallee du Doubs 3/12/17 840k Arnaud Frisetti Lines converging to the Besançon Viotte station. Large layout with many branches. 311 trains.
RER D 8/8/16 2.6MB J. Irebio North section of the RER's D Line (Paris metropolitan transportation system) from Orry La Ville to Villeneuve Saint Georges, via Paris's Gare de Lyon. High frequency passenger train traffic.  
Veynes 2/3/16 909k Sebastien Tetaz This layout shows the SNCF's network in South Alps (France). More than 400 km of lines are simulated; the whole network is with single track lines. Trains movement is computed with 2016 schedules. This layout uses the SNCF's signalisation scripts created by Paolo Rosati and the material icons file created by Arnaud Frisetti. Thanks for their work.
(Note: scroll down to the middle of the window to see the tracks in the simulator).
Massif Central 1984 2/2/16 176k Sebastien Tetaz This layout shows the SNCF's network in Massif Central (center of France). The total length of lines is about one thousand kilometers, most of them are with single track. Trains movement is computed with summer's 1984 schedules. This layout uses the SNCF's signalisation scripts and icons created by Paolo Rosati.
Lyon's Hub 2/1/16 359k bipbip Lyon's Hub, updated to the 2013 scheduel. Heavy traffic with more than one thousand train per day! Many switchboards have been created for main stations in the scenario.
Montpelier Tram 1/12/16 289k David Burton Tram lines in Montpelier. The simulation by default directs trains automatically, but the user has the option to manually operate the main two branching intersections by clicking on the + button found on the layout. More than 1360 trains are found in a workday schedule.  
Marseille St.Charles 12/4/15 88k Claude Marseille St.Charles station, in the south of France.
A "classic" layout with about 400 treins.
Narbonne 11/17/15 16k Claude Narbonne station and surrounding stations, in the South of France, serving the lines from Montpellier to Toulouse and Spain.
A "classic" layout with about 170 trains.
Noisy-le-sec 8/22/13 2.8M Hernandez Serge Commuter lines from Paris Est to various suburbs, such as Le Chesnay, Les Ivris and Valenton. As expected, heavy passenger traffic, requiring extreme caution in the routing of the various trains.  
Paris Suburbs H 10/7/12 500k Denis Auger Line H of the Paris suburbs. Marh 2012 schedule. The included .doc file (in English) has a map of the network section and a description of the simulation. Including the empty stock movements (with real scheduled times from SNCF information), there are 920 trains to dispatch. Wow! Requires the new French signals package, also created by Denis Auger.  
St.Etienne hub 12/2/09 96k Freddy Dulepa St. Etienne hub, with the lines towards Lyon, Le Puy en Velay, Roanne, Montbrisson Clermont Ferrand. Thursday is the day with the most intense traffic.
TGV Atlantique
(automatic version)
Freddy Dulepa
Gérard Niot
TGV Atlantique line, from Paris-Massy to Tours and Le Mans.
Rhone Valley 3/18/09 44k Denis Auger Rhone Valley lines around the city of Valence, from Vienne, Rhone, to Montelimar, on the Paris-Lyon-Mediterranean Sea line.
Savoy 2005 31/12/06 20k Clem's The Savoy line, around the station of Chambery.  
Lyon hub 31/12/06 58k bipbip The Lyon's hub. A large and complex scenario.  
Lyon's Tramway 3/11/06 142k JF Look Tramway lines of Lyon (24 km of lines).  
Northern TGV 3/11/06 68k Sebastien Tetaz Bullet train line (LGV) between Paris and Bruxelles - Calais, plus the high-speed line "Interconnexion" that surrounds Paris with service to the Charles de Gaulle airport. 400km of double track line with 300 km/h trains. Timetable of winter 2006.
Arras 3/11/06 27k Vasquez The Arras station is a medium importance station with regional and TGV trains.  
Rennes-Chateaubriant 3/11/06 119k X73500 Country line of about 30 km between Rennes and Chateaubriant. The limited traffic (about 30 trains) allows beginners to familiarize themselves with Train Director.  
Tolouse hub 3/11/06 304k JF Loock Tolouse hub, with more than 400 trains running on 544 km of lines. The difficulty is caused by single track lines, manual signalling and fixed schedule timetables. This requires a slow simulation speed.  
Agen-Montauban 3/11/06 15k JF Loock Line between Agen and Montauban, on the Bordeaux - Tolouse line.  
Paris-Marseille 12/5/04 24k Sebastien Tetaz French bullet train (LGV) from Paris to Marseille. 750 km, 250 TGV per day, no room for error. Trains run at 300 km/h.  

German Flag


Line Date Size Author Description  
Cloppenburg 2021
10/3/21 153k Kay-Martin Hanschmann Cloppenburg is a layout with a single track line from Osnabrueck to Oldenburg and a side line to Delmenhorst. Original timetable for passengers from Summer 2021. Requires the DB signals package.
Eilenburg 1991
10/3/21 151k Kay-Martin Hanschmann Eilenburg 1991 is a single station layout with a lot of traffic from 5 lines entering this station north-east of Leipzig. Both the track layout and original passenger timetable are from 1991. Freight trains are imaginary. Requires the DB signals package.
Prenzlau 1991
10/3/21 142k Kay-Martin Hanschmann Prenzlau 1991 is a single station layout with a lot of traffic from the main line Berlin-Stralsund and 3 branch lines converging here. Both the track layout and original passenger timetable are from 1991. Freight trains are imaginary. Requires the DB signals package.
Dorsten 1951
5/7/16 51k Kay-Martin Hanschmann Dorsten station, in the Ruhr region of Germany, north of Duisburg as it was in 1951 (using standard Train Director signals).
Dorsten 2015
6/16/16 149k Kay-Martin Hanschmann Dorsten station, in the Ruhr region of Germany, north of Duisburg.
Erzgebirge 2014
4/23/16 34k Kay-Martin Hanschmann A single track route running through the beautiful region called Erzgebirge in the South of Saxony (timetable No. 517 from Deutsche Bahn) with 2014 timetable.
9/5/15 29k Kay-Martin Hanschmann Part of the single track route from Kiel to Flensburg with traffic how it could have been in the late 1970s. Track layout from original plans, timetable imaginary.
Frankfurt am Main
5/7/16 370k Kay-Martin Hanschmann Biggest terminus station in Germany with 25 platforms. The timetable is from January 2014. All arriving trains have below their front icon a number for the destination platform. A departing trains show an additional letter for their destination and a two-digit number indicating their departure minute (orange on black).
Updated to use new German signals package.
Kay-Martin Hanschmann 100 years of evolution of the same line. The route runs from Hagen to Dieringhausen in the moutain area of Sauerland and Bergisches Land in Northrhine-Westphalia. Most of the line south of Bruegge was closed down for passenger trains in the 1970s and a lot of branch lines also disappeared. At the moment there is a lot of track work, because in 2015 the passenger trains shall run the complete route again. At Deutsche Bahn homepage, this line can be found with numbers 434 Hagen-Brügge and 459 Meinerzhagen-Dieringhausen.
Compare the 2014 layout with the real layout of the 1950s (thanks to The timetable is fictional, but the layout is real.
The same layout is also shown from 100 years ago, with the original passenger trains timetable (thanks to and the estimated freight trains timetable, with steam trains running up and down the valley of the Vollme river.
30/11/14 72k Kay-Martin Hanschmann A single track route running through the beautiful region called Erzgebirge in the South of Saxony (today timetable No. 517 from Deutsche Bahn). The timetable includes more traffic than there may have been ever and shall represent the 1970s, when all branch lines and freight traffic was still running. Four narrow gauge railways are also included, though only at the connecting stations with normal gauge. Some scripting is included regarding automatic train assignment and reverse of trains.
6/16/16 147k Kay-Martin Hanschmann Another North Rhine-Westphalia layout with a single-track mainline built in the 1920s. Due to the amount of traffic and the importance of the line, it shall be extended to a two-tack line in the next years. Complete timetable (1987).
2/22/14 22k Kay-Martin Hanschmann Part of the Moselbahn line Luxembourg-Trier-Koblenz. Timetable for the early morning hours in summer 2012. Some trains not running the complete line have letters below the train icon to indicate the destination.
2/22/14 49k Kay-Martin Hanschmann This two-track mainline connection between Osnabrueck and Bremen has a lot of traffic. The passenger timetable is from 2010 showing the first morning hours of the day. To make it a little bit easier to handle, the trains have letters below their icons to indicate their destination.
Borken 1951
Borken 1968
Kay-Martin Hanschmann Layout of the railway connections of Borken, Westphalia, situated close to the borders of the Netherlands. The 1950s has still cross-border traffic. The timetable is fictitious but shall give an impression of the traffic of those days. All trains have a letter below their icon to show their destination.
The 1968 version includes the lines from Ahaus to Borken, Winterswijk to Dorsten, and Bocholt to Coesfeld. Based on original track layouts from 1968 (though Rhedebruegge was already reduced at 1964 to two tracks, Burlo might have also been reduced to 3 tracks) Borken track layout is slightly simplified (1-2 tracks removed) to make it playable. Timetable is the original reconstruction from 1968 (Kursbuch 1968). Freight trains are based on 1967 timetable; Ueg's, Klv trains, and freight trains Ahaus/Vreden-Borken are imaginary.
Today Borken is a terminus for passenger trains to / from Essen via Dorsten and the last layout station receiving freight is Deuten.

Italian Flag


Line Date Size Author Description  
Milan North 24/10/22 185 kB Ivano Auletta Simulation of the Trenord lines, north of Milan.
Many more details at the dedicated page.
Milan Central 2024 8/27/24 186 kB Luca Mazzucco
Marco Landone
Simulation of the Milan Central Station, updated to the 2024 timetable.
Many more details at the dedicated page.
Lecco-Tirano 6/6/24 176 kB Andrea Colombo Alternate simulation of the Valtellina line, from Lecco to Sondrio and Tirano, including the Colico-Chiavenna branch. More details at the dedicated page.  
Lario-Valtellina 4/4/24 1.1 MB Lucio Rigamonti Simulation of the Valtellina line, from Lecco to Sondrio and Tirano, including the Colico-Chiavenna branch. 2023 timetable. More details at the pagina dedicata.  
Rho - Porto Ceresio 3/22/24 243 kB Andrea Colombo Simulation of the line Rho Fiera Milano - Porto Ceresio, nort-east of Milan.
More details at the dedicated page.
Triveneto lines 12/13/23 1820 kB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the lines serving the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions. More details at the dedicated page.
Cervignano - Udine 7/3/23 683 kB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the lines serving the Udine and Cervignano freight yard, on the border between Italy and Austria. More details at the dedicated page.
Castelli Romani 2023 1/6/23 3.6 MB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the lines serving the Roman Castles area, South of Rome, with 2023 timetable.
More details at the dedicated page.
Milan-Treviglio 11/7/22 79k Mattia Savi Simulation of the Milan-Treviglio section of the Milan-Venice line. Regional Trenord services and long-distance Trenitalia services with 2022 timetable. More details at the dedicated page.
Rome Termini 10/28/22 784 kB Paolo Gronchi Simulazione della stazione di Roma Termini
More details at the dedicated page.
Naples Hub 10/14/22 412 kB Ivano Auletta Simulation of Naples's Hub. Summer 2022 timetable.
More details at the dedicated page.
Roma Cintura 6/1/22 1.1 MB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the Rome belt lines, excluding the Rome Termini station. More details at the dedicated page.  
Ancona-Pescara 5/18/22 280 kB Ivano Auletta Simulation of the section Ancona-Pescara on the Adriatic Railway. Winter 2021/2022 timetable.
More details at the dedicated page.
Voghera 2/21/22 681 kB Ivano Auletta Simulation of the Voghera station, on the Milan-Genoa and Turin-Alessandria-Piacenza-Bologna lines. Winter 2021/2022 timetable.
More details at the dedicated page.
Modena 1/11/22 1.2 MB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the lines around the town of Modena, both regional and high-speed. Many more details at the dedicated page.  
Saronno-Como-Varese-Novara-Malpensa 12/7/21 293 kB Andrea Colombo Simulation of the lines managed by Ferrovie Nord that branch from the station of Saronno towards Como Nord Lago, Varese-Laveno, Novara Nord and Malpensa airport.
Many more details at the dedicated page.
Gallarate-Luino 2020 11/25/21 2.2MB Davide Bianco Line Gallarate - Luino, north-west of Milan, with passenger and freight traffic and the branches towards Oleggio, Arona and Varese.
The pdf file (in Italian) included in the package has a detailed description of the lines and stations covered by the simlation. Timetable June-December 2020.
Arezzo 10/3/21 976 kB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the lines around the town of Arezzo, both regional and high-speed. Many more details at the dedicated page.  
Rome-Minturno 6/19/21 413 kB Ivano Auletta Simulation of the section Rome - Minturno-Scauri of the "Direttissima" Rome-(Formia-Gaeta)-Naples. Winter 2020/2021 timetable.
Many more details at the dedicated page.
Napoli-Battipaglia 5/26/21 364k Salvatore Palma Lines that connect Naples to Battipaglia. The layout covers a large area, and is best viewed on a very large screen, especially in the vertical dimension.
It's possible to connect this scenario with the other scenarios that basically cover the entire Tyrrenian route from Naples to Reggio Calabria,
Acqui Terme hub 5/17/21 687 kB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the lines around the Acqui Terme station.
Many more details at the dedicated page.
Cadorna-Asso 4/11/21 195 kb Andrea & Omar Colombo Simulation of the suburban line Milan Cadorna-Canzo managed by Ferrovienord. This line is crossed by other regional lines, but it mostly supports commuter traffic with a set time schedule.
The page shown in the "Info" tab (in Italian) explains how to control the simulation.
The authors thank the people who tested the scenario and reported errors and suggestions.
Napoli-Salerno 2/3/21 1.1 Mb Ivano Auletta Simulation of the Naples-Salerno area, with both the historic and "by the Vesuvius" lines. 2021 timetable.
Many more details at the dedicated page.
Savona 2/1/21 2.2 MB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the Savona station on the line from Genoa to France, and the sections from San Giuseppe di Cairo to Savona, on the lines to Alessandria and Turin.
Requires version 3.9.2 and the RFI signal package version 5.1.
Benevento 11/13/20 762 kB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the lines converging on Benevento, in Southern Italy.
Many more details at the dedicated page.
Formia - Naples 1977 9/29/20 2.1MB Valerio Varriale Formia - Naples section, with the original 1977 timetable.
Many more details at the dedicated page.
Cuneese 2019 8/11/20 684 kB Gilberto Zara Simulation of the lines between Turin and Cuneo.
Many more details at the dedicated page.
Milan Central 2020 6/12/20 138 kB Luca Mazzucco
Marco Landone
Simulation of the Milan Central Station, updated to the 2020 timetable.
Many more details at the dedicated page.
Naples North 5/23/20 2.2 MB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the rail network north of Naples, including the high-speed line Rome-Naples.
Many more details at the dedicated page.
Roma - Viterbo 1972 5/10/20 673k Valerio Varriale Lines Rome Trastevere-Capranica Sutri-Viterbo, Viterbo-Orte, Capranica Sutri-Orte, with the actual timetable from 1972.
The simulation is midly challenging, so a 5x simulation speed is advised, except when traffic is especially intense. It is important to handle the single-track lines traffic, especially in the section with intense urban traffic. More details in the included pdf file (in Italian).
Rome Metro A 4/1/20 1.2M Stefano Di Giambattista Line A of Rome's Metro. As with many subway systems, traffic picks up pretty quickly as many trains enter the tracks and shuttle from end to end. In addition to the info found on Wikipedia a detailed user manual (in Italian) is included in the zip file. Do note that the simulation uses a custom version of the RFI Signals v4.2 package, which must be replaced by hand. Also, if one wishes to simulate traffic for Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays, one must manually copy the corresponding schedule file from the "ORARIO TRENI" folder into the main folder.
Rome Metro B 3/16/20 973k Marco Ciaffei
Andrea Maria D'Emidio
Carlo Andrea Tortorelli
Line B of Rome's Metro. As with many subway systems, traffic picks up pretty quickly as many trains enter the tracks and shuttle from end to end. Wikipedia has a page with notes and a chart of the line.
Caserta (2019)
239k Generoso Paolella Station of Caserta. Versions with 2019 and 2023 timetable.
Milan Certosa-Rho 2020

web plug-in
1/28/20 433k Luca Mazzucco
Marco Landone
Simulation of the Milan Certosa station, with the branching lines towards Rho. December 2019 timetable. Requires version 3.9v or newer of Train Director, and the RFI signal package version 4.6. A pdf file (in Italian) that describes the simulation is included in the zip file.

Moreover, it's avaliable a web plug-in to manage itineraries via an external web browser by providing the start and end point of an itinerary via the keyboard. This may be faster than selecting the itinerary via the Ctrl-I dialog in the game. A pdf file (again in Italian) is available in the file. Unzip this file in the folder that contains the traindir.exe file to make it visible to the game.

Palermo-Agrigento 12/14/19 1MB Claudio Novello Palermo - Agrigento line.
Giovi 11/7/19 700kB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the Giovi Lines, that connect Genoa to Piedmont and Lombardy. Two double-track lines are used: local traffic uses the Busalla line, while long-distance traffic usually goes via the Mignanego line. An additional challenge is due to the reduction of tracks entering/exiting Genoa Sampierdarena caused by the collapse of the Morandi Bridge. This forces all traffic to be routed on the remaining double-track line. Additional complexity is added by a section to/from Savona (a semi-metropolitan line with traffic to the French border) and Ovada/Acqui (local traffic). An attached Word file (in Italian) has additional details about the simulation.
Siracusa-Lentini dir.-Gela 7/20/19 1MB Claudio Novello Simulation of 2 lines in Sicily: the Lentini Diramazione - Syracuse, and Lentini Diramazione - Caltagirone - Gela. These had light passenger and freight traffic until several years ago. The simulation does not use any automation, so the player must dispatch all trains using the switches and signals. An included Word file (in Italian) describes the author's choices in the design of the simulation.
Treviglio-Brescia 7/14/19 293kB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the Treviglio-Brescia section of the long-distance line between Milan and Venice. The simulatio is quite complex and difficult, with almost 1000 trains including passenger and freight traffic, which may use differing paths as indicated in each train's notes (in Italian).
Conegliano Veneto 6/13/19 14k Andrea Pizzolato Conegliano Veneto's station, on the Mestre-Udine line, with the branch to Ponte Alpi. 2018/2019 Winter timetable. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday there's some shunting trains to the Zoppas yard. Set automatic signals to green before starting. Requires the RFI signals package.
Line Mestre-Bassano 5/13/19 18k Andrea Pizzolato Mestre-Bassano line, with regioal train scheduled every 30 minutes, plus 2 repair night trains.
Lines around Belluno 2019 3/27/19 60k Luca Mazzucco Lines of the Belluno and Alto Trevigiano areas (Conegliano-Ponte nelle Alpi, Calalzo-Padua and Montebelluna-Treviso). Remake of the 2011 scenario with many updates, especially in the timetable. Requires version 3.9s or later of Train Director, and the RFI Signal Package 4.6. Details about the simulation are available in the "details" page when launching the program (in Italian).
Ferrara-Rovigo 2/21/19 1.9MB Paolo Gronchi This simulation covers the lines around the cities of Ferrara and Rovigo. It is a complex scenario, with local and national passenger traffic, freight trains, single and double-track lines, and both electrified and non-electrified tracks. The included .doc file (in Italian) has details on the simualtion.
Bari's Hub
(version 1.1)
Paolo Gronchi Simulation of Bari's hub, including the surrounding lines, with both national and local traffic. All lines are electified, except the freight yard, where trains are shunted with diesel locomotives. The included .doc file (in Italian) has details on the simualtion.
The 1.1 version has some updates to some track layouts and modifies some train schedules.
Catanzaro-Melito 11/9//18 223k Salvatore Palma Update of the Melito-Roccella scenario, originally published by Domenico Marino ed etr300, extended by the Roccella-Catanzaro Lido section.
It's possible to connect this scenario with the Lamezia-Catanzaro Lido and Rosarno-Melito Porto Salvo scenarios.
Lamezia-Rosarno 11/9/18 388k Salvatore Palma Update of the Eccellente-Rosarno scenario, originally published by etr300, Domenico Marino and Vincenzo Forti, extended to include the stations of San Pietro-Maida, Curinga and P.M. San Ferdinando.
It's possible to connect this scenario with the Lamezia-Catanzaro Lido and Rosarno-Melito Porto Salvo scenarios.
Rosarno-MelitoPS 11/9/18 366k Salvatore Palma Line section from Rosarno to Melito Porto Salvo, including the Villa San Giovanni and Reggio Calabria stations.
It's possible to connect this scenario with the Lamezia-Rosarno and Catanzaro Lido-Melito.
Northern Sardinia 6/12/18 1.5MB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the lines of Northern Sardinia, from Golfo Aranci/Olbia to Sassari, with the Porto Torres and Alghero extensions. All lines have diesel rolling stock and are single track. A .doc file (in Italian) has additional information on the simulation.
Southern Sardinia 5/5/18 2.8Mb Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the lines of Southern Sardinia, from Cagliari to Iglesias, Carbonia and Oristano. Some sections are single track, so the player needs to coordinate traffic in opposite directions. A .doc file (in Italian) has additional information on the simulation.
Lamezia-Catanzaro 11/9/18 229k Salvatore Palma Update of the Lamezia Terme - Catanzaro Lido line, in Southern Italy, with the Summer 2018 timetable. It is possible to link this scenario to the Paola-Lamezia one, sending/receiving late trains information between the scenarios. For more information, see the page Linked Scenarios.
Battipaglia-Paola 11/9/18 353k Salvatore Palma Simulation of the Battipaglia - Paola section of the Southern Tyrrhenian Line. It is possible to link this scenario to the Paola-Lamezia and Paola-Sibari ones, sending/receiving late trains information between the scenarios. For more information, see the page Linked Scenarios.
Paola-Sibari 3/21/18 290k Salvatore Palma Simulation of the Cosenza-Sibari line, including the link Paola-Cosenza, thus connecting the Tyrrhenian Sea to the Ionian Sea. It is possible to link this scenario to the Paola-Lamezia one, sending/receiving late trains information between the two scenarios. For more information, see the page Linked Scenarios.
Paola-Lamezia 11/9/18 236k Salvatore Palma Simulation of the Paola-Lamezia Terme section of the Southern Tyrrhenian line in Italy (Naples - Salerno - Reggio Calabria). 2018 timetable.
It is possible to link this scenario to the Paola-Lamezia one, sending/receiving late trains information between the two scenarios. For more information, see the page Linked Scenarios.
Milano Rogoredo 2018 15/3/18 336k Luca Mazzucco Simulation of the Milan Rogoredo Station with Trecca control point and a section of the line towards Bologna (both high-speed and original). The timetable is of March 2018; it requires version 3.9s or newer of Train Director and the RFI signal package version 4.6. For details about the simulation, see the "Information" (in Italian) tab at the program's launch. Thanks to Marco Landone for the collaboration.
Attention: Set signals to automatic mode by clicking on the "X" at the top of the layout.
Piacenza 3/5/18 411k Paolo Gronchi Simultion of the Piacenza Hub, on the Milan-Bologna-Rome line. Passenger and freight traffic, with many consist manouvers, most of them automated by scripts. A .doc file (in Italian) is included in the zip file.
Bassa Romagna 7/1/17 504k Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the Lower Romagna lines, around the city of Ravenna. Intense freight traffic with many split/join operations at the various freight yards; also many single-track lines that require careful planning.
Nocera-Battipaglia 2/19/17 716k Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the Salerno hub, with the Nocera Inferiore and Battipaglia stations and the lines that terminate in those stations. Not all the lines in the scenario allow electric motive power. To maintain the realism of the simulation, version 3.9o of Train Director is recommended. A .doc file (in Italian) describes the simulation in detail.
Milan P. Garibaldi 2017 2/11/17 81k Luca Mazzucco New simulation of the Milan P. Garibaldi station.
2016-2017 timetable. Version 3.9n or later of Train Director and the RFI signal package version 4.6.
For more details, see the included PDF and HTML files. Thanks to Marco Landone for the cooperation.
Warning: activate automatic signals by clicking on the X in the upper-center of the layout.
Florence Hub 12/24/16 2.7MB Matteo Tessi The Florence hub, comprising the station of Santa Maria Novella, Rifredi and Campo di Marte, and the incoming and outgoing lines.
A PDF file (in Italian) included in the zip file describes the layout.
Mantova 11/9/16 430k Paolo Gronchi Mantua station, with its incoming/outgoing and surrounding lines. Do note that some lines have electric traction, while others use diesel traction; Train Director won't allow sending a train with the wrong locomotive to the wrong line.
Lucca 9/1/16 290k Paolo Gronchi Lucca station, with its incoming/outgoing lines from/to Aulla, Viareggio, Pisa and Florence. Do note that some lines have electric traction, while others use diesel traction; Train Director won't allow sending a train with the wrong locomotive to the wrong line.
Novara 3/26/16 728k Paolo Gronchi Novara station, on the main line Turin-Milan, plus the freight yard (Novara Boschetto), and 6 lesser lines that have Novara as their terminus, some of them managed by the Trenord rail company. See the Word file or the HTML page included in the package (in Italian) for additional details.
Milan Lambrate 3/4/16 291k Luca Mazzucco New scenario of the Milan Lambrate hub with Bivio Lambro and Quadrivio Turro. 2015-2016 timetable. Requires version 3.9h and the RFI signal package version 4.5. Details about the simulation are in the included PDF and HTML files (in Italian). Thanks to Marco Landone for the cooperation.
Warning: activate automatic signals by clicking on the X in the upper-center of the layout.
Venice Mestre Hub
(with itinerary buttons)
Luca Mazzucco
Maurizio Serrini
New scenario of the Venice Mestre Station with surrounding stations, updated to the 2015 track layout. 2015-2016 timetable. Requires version 3.9f of Train Director, and the RFI signal package version 4.5. Details about the simulation are in the included PDF and HTML files (in Italian). Thanks to Marco Landone for the cooperation.
Warning: activate automatic signals by clicking on the X in the upper-left corner of the layout.
Pavia 9/5/15 965k Paolo Gronchi Pavia station with the various converging lines from Milan, Voghera, Valenza, Mortara and Cremona. Another very detailed simulation, despite the apparent simplicity of the covered area. A Word and an HTML file (in Italian) provide all the information on the simulation.
Metaponto - Sibari 2015
Metaponto - Sibari 2018
1Mb Vittorio LaScala
Salvatore Palma
Metaponto-Sibari line, segment of the Taranto-Reggio Calabria line. The included PDF file (in Italian) has historical notes and instructions on how to run the simulation, especially about train maneouvers, since most of the line is single track. This simulation is a logical extension of the Sibari-Catanzaro Lido simulation, by the same author.
The 2018 timetable update by Salvatore Palma allows the connection of this scenario with the Paola-Sibari one.
Genova-La Spezia
2015 Timetable
etr300 New version of the Genoa-La Spezia line, on the Eastern Riviera Ligure.
The latest version is updated to the 2015 timetable.
Metro Napoli 2/9/15 5MB etr300 Simulation of the mass transit line passing through Naples, Italy. Most of the traffic is made of shuttle trains and is mostly automated, except the operation of a few stations. A .docx file (in Italian) describes the history of the line and has details on the simulation.  
Cuneese 10/4/14 1.2M Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the section Carmagnola-Cuneo, with the various branch lines to the Langhe area, to Ceva and Saluzzo. Some of these lines are now closed, so the scenario has both a current and "historical" characteristics. This is the first scenario that uses the new Train Director function that specifies whether a line supports electric motive traction or just diesel motive traction. Requires version 3.8u of Train Director.  
Milan-Bologna 9/14/14 345kB Davide Corradini Milan-Bologna line, updated to the 2013 timetable. The line accomodates high speed passenger trains, regional traffic for the many branching lines, and, in an alternative scenario, artificial freight traffic.  
Padova 2014 6/1/14 1MB etr300 New version of the Padua station; 2013/2014 timetable plus freight traffic and, as a bonus, a historical simulation.  
Verona's hub 5/13/14 254k Luca Mazzucco Lines and stations surrounding Verona Porta Nuova, in Northern Italy, where the major west-east line (Turin-Milan-Venice) and one major north-south line (Germany-Brenner-Bologna) cross paths. 2013-2014 Time table. Requires Train Director version 3.8s and the RFI signal package version 4.4.  
Ciampino 3/1/14 74k Angelo Ciampino station and nearby cities Velletri, Albano and Frascati. With the collaboration of etr300.  
Milan S.Cristoforo 1/19/14 12k Marco Landone Milan San Cristoforo to Albairate-Vermezzo section. Passenger traffic of the Milan P. Genova - Mortara line and of the Milan metropolitan line Saronno - Albairate-Vermezzo.  
Termoli 12/24/13 12k Marco Landone Termoli station.  
Rho 12/1/13 25k Marco Landone Rho and Rho Fiera stations, just west of Milan, where the lines from Gallarate-Domodossola and Turin converge. Trains can be shunted freely in the small freight yard using the provided locomotive. Trains from Milan can enter from any of the 6 available lines.  
Napoli Centrale 9/6/13 9MB Ferraro Pasquale Update of the simulation of Naples Central station, the largest passenger station in Southern Italy.  
Rome Ostiense 1/6/14 1.3Mb Mauro De Angelis Rome Ostiense, 2008 timetable. A more complex scenario using the same control board style and operation as the Rome S.Pietro scenario by the same author. The author suggests extracting the content of the zip file into its own directory before starting the simulation. The included pdf file (in Italian) explains how to operate the manual electric block board.  
Rome San Pietro 1/6/14 600k Mauro De Angelis Rome San Pietro, 2008 timetable. Although the author himself recognizes in the attached pdf file (in Italian) that several layout elements may not reflect the actual placement on the ground, the effort and the visual result are surely appealing, and show an innovative and very pleasing design of the control board. Those who prefer the more traditional look may open the RomaSP_Bem.trk file, also contained in the .zip file.  
Rome Tiburtina 6/22/13 270k Marco Landone Rome Tiburtina with transiting freight traffic, long distance passenger trains for Rome Termini and end-of-line regional trains. Requires version 3.8k of Train Director.  
Bologna C.le 8/5/13 1.5M Paolo Gronchi Bologna Central Station. New version of a "classic" simulation. This is a very accurate simulation, with heavy passenger and freight traffic, up to 1137 trains on Monday. The included Word file (in Italian) explains how to avoid problems in directing trains using the Ctrl-I feature or the web-based switchboard feature to activate itineraries. Requires version 3.8h of Train Director.  
Piacenza-Voghera 4/15/13 11k Marco Landone Section Piacenza-Voghera, on the Alessandria-Piacenza line. The simulation does not use automatic block signals. Therefore it's necessary to open the various sections through the itinerary buttons.
Stradella-Broni 8/26/12 20k Marco Landone The Stradella-Broni-Bressana line is a regional line that connects 2 major Italian lines (Milan-Genoa and Turin-Piacenza). This simulation requires version 3.7t of Train Director, and was designed to be played with the visualization of train names instead of train icons. You can select to show train names in the Preferences dialog.  
Turin Lingotto 1/8/13 479k Paolo Gronchi Turin Lingotto and adjacent stations (Moncalieri, Trofarello and Orbassano). Very accurate simulation with heavy commuter and freight traffic. This is the first scenario that uses the web browser-based switchboard feature. Requires version 3.8b of Train Director.  
Caserta-Benevento 4/29/13 460k Marco Camerino Centralized Traffic Control of the Caserta-Benevento section of the Caserta-Foggia line.  
Metro Napoli 10/30/11 3MB Ferraro Pasquale Update of the Naples Rapid Transit and of the Naples Campi Flegrei station. An included Word file (in Italian) describes the simulation and an Excel file summarizes arrivals and departures.  
Treviso 2011 07/13/11 470k Paolo Gronchi Treviso hub, with the surrounding stations of Castelfranco Veneto, Portogruaro, Conegliano and Montebelluna.
Sibari-Catanzaro Lido 2011
Sibari-Catanzaro Lido 2018
Vittorio LaScala
Salvatore Palma
Line Sibari-Catanzaro Lido in Southern Italy. More info at the dedicated page. The 2018 timetable update by Salvatore Palma allows connecting this scenario with the Paola-Sibari and Lamezia-Catanzaro Lido ones.  
Belluno 2/9/11 190k Luca Mazzucco Passenger service on the lines around the city of Belluno.
New version of the original scenario by Michele Dell'Accio with scripted signals and customized icons.
Treviglio 10/13/10 1.2MB etr300 Simulation of the Treviglio station, on the Milan-Bergamo and Milan-Brescia lines, created with the collaboration of Marco Landone. It requires version 3.7e of Train Director.  
Alifana 9/26/10 260k Marco Camerino Alifana line, from Santa Maria Capua Vetere to Piedimonte Matese. Alifana libe, from Santa Maria Capua Vetere to Piedimonte Matese created with the cooperation of "Gruppo Amici Ferrovia Alifana".  
Milano Rogoredo 8/12/10 1.5MB etr300 Simulation of the Milan Rogoredo station. Requires version 3.7d of Train Director. The simulation uses the new function present in version 3.7d to randomly generate late entry times; the simulation is designed to create some special situations, which are described in the included .doc file (in Italian).  
Saronno FNM 2/9/11 260k Federico Paoletti Saronno FNM (Northern Milan Railroads) station. The .doc file (in Italian) has historical information and a description of the simulation. The .pdf files have the timetables for the incoming lines.
Requires version 3.7g of Train Director and the RFI signals package version 4.1.
Genoa Sampierdarena 07/11/10 600k Paolo Gronchi Genoa Sampierdarena station.
Highly detailed simulation of the station of Genoa Sampierdarena and neighboring stations, including the freight yard, with both commuter, long distance and freight traffic.
The attached ".doc" file (or the info page accessible using F5) has further information (in Italian).
Requires version 3.7d of Train Director and version 4.1 of the RFI signal package.
Genova Brignole-Ge.Nervi 5/21/10 389k Paolo Gronchi Genoa Brignole station and section up to Genoa Nervi.
The file .doc (in Italian) describes the peculiarities of this difficult simulation. Requires version 3.7 of Train Director and the signal package version 4.1.
Naples-Sessa Arunca 5/21/10 66k Marco Camerino Historic line from Rome to Naples via Formia, managed by the DC in Naples. Napoli-Sessa Arunca section. The file Leggimi.doc (in Italian) has details on the simulation.  
Milano C.le 3/29/10 717k etr300
Marco Landone
Update of the Milan Central Station with bigger icons.  
Cancello 4/4/10 130k Marco Camerino Station of Cancello. Excellent simulation with passenger and freight traffic on the lines between Caserta, Acerra and Nola. Requires version 4 of the RFI signals package.  
Paola-Sibari 1/18/10 258k etr300
Domenico Marino
Vincenzo Foti
Paola-Sibari line. Two versions of this simulation are available in the .zip file: the default uses the RFI signals package version 4 (the most advanced one with shunting signals and train split/join support). If you want to use the older version 3 of the RFI signals package, rename the downloaded file as "", or uncompress the .zip file and open PaoSib_V3.trk.
Eccellente-Rosarno 12/22/11 300k etr300
Domenico Marino
Vincenzo Foti
Eccellente-Rosarno section of the Battipaglia-Reggio Calabria line via Mileto and via Tropea. The included doc file (in Italian) has general notes on the line.
Updated to use the RFI signal package version 4.3 and with the simulation of a track breakage with detour of long distance trains on the Tropea line.
Mortara 11/1/09 18k Diego Armaroli Station of Mortara, on the lines Novara-Alessandria, Pavia-Mortara-Vercelli, Mortara-Milan P.G. and Mortara-Asti.  
Melito-Roccella 12/22/11 1.1M Domenico Marino
and etr300
Line Melito Porto Salvo - Roccella Jonica on the east coast of Calabria. The included Word file (in Italian) created by Vincenzo Foti describes the details of the scenario.
Updated to use the RFI signal package version 4.3 and new train icons.
Lamezia-Catanzaro 12/22/11 1.4M Domenico Marino
and etr300
Line Lamezia Terme-Catanzaro. The included Word file (in Italian) describes how to perform trains split and joins (the scenario does not use Traindir's built-in split and join operations).
Updated to use the RFI signal package version 4.3 and with fictitious freight trains and their loco change at Lamezia.
Trieste-Opicina 9/21/09 45k Valerio Varriale "Trenovia" Trieste - Villa Opicina. Faithful reproduction of the short tramway line that climbs from Trieste to the city of Opicina, up the Carso mountains. The included .pdf file (in Italian) provides historical and technical info.  
Pisa C.le 7/9/09 370k Matteo Tessi Update of the Pisa Central station. The scenario is moderately complex, and is designed for the use of the itinerary function (Ctrl-I). It's still possible to control traffic by hand, though not as smooth. This is the first scenario that uses a new Train Director feature to randomly generate delays in trains' movement, thus adding late arrivals or departures. With this feature, every run is different from the others, making it more difficult to run the simulation. Interesting is the FM.xls diagram, which shows the occupancy of the freight yard tracks by long stop freight trains. A .doc file (in Italian) describes the scenario.  
Roma Termini 5/26/09
Ferraro Marcello
Update by Marco Castagna (etr300) of the Rome Termini station with multi-aspect signals and announce signals. The simulation is quite complex, and requires a 2x or even 1x simulation speed. A Word file (in Italian) is included with a detailed description of the scenario.  
1/22/09 118k Paolo Rosati A more detailed version of the Verona - Brenner line which uses the RFI signals package V3.1 and the "Ctrl-I" itinerary selector instead of the itinerary buttons.  
Turin - Modane 1/5/11 96k Roland Wagener
Nicola Tateo
Line with heavy traffic of freight, international and commuter trains. Updated version with triggers and train icons. Both a manual and an automatic version are available.
Nicola Tateo has updated the simulation to include itinerary buttons for the major stations (the original layout has been renamed Torino_Modane_RW.trk.)
Nodo di Trieste 12/22/08 150k Paolo Scarazzato Trieste Central station and surrounding lines with the use of the new scripted signals in place of standard signals. Requires Traindir version 3.6 or later.  
Piacenza-Parma 12/10/08 3M etr300 Revamping of the Piacenza - Parma strech on the Milan-Bologna line by Michele Dell'Accio with scripted signals. Requires the RFI signals package V3.1.
Lugo 12/4/08 23k etr300
Paolo Rosati
Revamping of the Lughese lines scenario with triggers and RFI signals. Requires the RFI signals package V3.1.
Napoli-Salerno 4/12/08 80k Paolo Rosati Revamping of the Naples-Salerno line, with the stations of Torre Annunziata, Nocera Inf. with RFI signals. Requires the RFI signals package V3.1. 2007 timetable (freight trains: 2006).
Napoli 12/3/08 2.7M etr300 Naples Central Station and surrounding stations.
Revamping of Naples Central with extensive use of triggers and low signals. The .zip file has a description (in Italian and English) of the scenario.
(Automatic version)
Paolo Gronchi
Paolo Rosati
Gérard Niot
Lines of the lower Piedmont, around the stations of Asti, Alessandria, Acqui Terme and Nizza Monferrato. The included .doc file (in Italian) provides more details. Updated to use scripted signals. Map
Brennero 9/11/08 38k Ivano Auletta Brenner station, at the Italian-Austrian border. Mainly freight traffic.  
Casoria 8/23/08 22k Enzo Russo Casoria-Afragola station on the Aversa-Naples line (part of the Rome-Formia-Naples line).  
(automatic version)
Massimiliano Urbani
Gérard Niot
Full line between Verona and Brenner. The complexity of the layout, which includes the branch lines to Valsugana, Meran, Val Pusteria and the loco change at Brenner, requires a simulation speed of 7x or less.
Gérard Niot has contributed the automatic version of this line.
(automatic version)
Paolo Scarazzato
Gérard Niot
You have to dispatch trains and reassign the trains stock.
Updated to show multi-light signals.
Rome-Naples AV 7/6/08 41k Ivano Auletta High-speed line from Rome to Naples, with all branches and specific icons for the special signaling system present on high-speed/high-capacity lines. Timetable 6/2008.
Roma Formia 1977 12/6/08 104k Valerio Varriale Rome-Formia section of the Rome-Naples line (and branch lines) with the full passenger and freight train traffic from the official 1977 FS timetable.
Roma Fiuggi 1958 12/6/08 227k Valerio Varriale Update of the Roma-Fiuggi-Alatri tramway (and branch lines), 1958 timetable. In the .zip file is included a .doc file with historical information (in Italian).
Treviso 6/3/08 1100k Paolo Scarazzato Treviso station updated with scripted signals and new icons.  
Padua 2008 2/18/08 200k Michele Dell'Accio Padua station. High degree of realism with the use of scripted multi-light signals and of trains of different lengths.  
Trieste Centrale 1/20/08 50k Paolo Scarazzato Trieste Central station with the use of the new scripted signals in place of standard signals. Requires Traindir version 3.3b or later.  
Roma Trastevere 1/3/08 33k Valerio Varriale Roma Trastevere station, with the 1958 timetable.  
Roman Castles 11/17/07 49k Valerio Varriale Roman Castles Tramway (1953). The included .doc file (in Italian) describes the simulation in detail.
10/16/07 34k Paolo Scarazzato An automated version of the Venice-Trieste line. As the author says in the attached .doc file (in Italian), this simulation is a challenge to use all the features of the program. The user does not need to operate any of the tracks or signals in the scenario, since the simulation is completely automated, thanks to extensive use of the triggers.
Rittnerbahn 9/18/07 18k Valerio Varriale Renon Railroad (Rittnerbahn).  
Venezia-Udine-Trieste 8/6/07 34k Paolo Scarazzato Line Venezia-Udine-Trieste.  
Napoli-Salerno 8/6/07 80k Ivano Auletta Line Napoli-Salerno, with the stations of Torre Annunziata, Nocera Inf.
2007 timetable (freight trains: 2006).
Rome Tram 1951 21/6/07 24k Valerio Varriale Reproduction of part of the 1951 tram network in Rome.  
Trieste C.le 4/14/07 39k Paolo Scarazzato Trieste Central station.  
Nocera Inf. 31/12/06 57k Ivano Auletta Stations of Nocera Inferiore, on the Naples-Salerno line  
Brenner 31/12/06 77k Massimiliano Urbani Brenner line between Rovereto and Fortezza.  
Transalpine 6/11/06 278k Paolo Scarazzato Trans-alpine line between Trieste and Gorizia.  
Milan-Bologna 6/8/06 300k Michele Dell'Accio Milan-Bologna line. This is the main north-south Italian line, with many trains and connectors to other lines.  
Milan East 2005 29/4/06 153k Vari 2005 version of the East Milan hub. Added to the 2004 version are the Milan Passthrough, the update of the East hub, the doubling of the Treviglio-Bergamo, and a preview of the quadrupling of the Milan-Venice line. The layout is available in low resolution for screens up to 15", and in high resolution for screens up to 19". Recommended speed 2x. Over 1300 trains scheduled, with tens of icons created specifically for this scenario. A true team effort, developed remotely over more than 10 months of work.
Authors: Saverio Amore, Paolo Scarazzato, Simone Recrosio, Marco Castagna, Paolo Grossi; external support by Emiliano Maldini.
Arquata Scrivia - Novi - Alessandria 1/3/06 82k Paolo Gronchi The "triangle" Arquata Scrivia - Novi - Tortona - Alessandria is at the intersection of the lines Milano - Genova; Torino Genova and Torino Bologna, with many long distance trains, local trains and freight trains.  
Villa Opicina 22/6/05 150k Paolo Scarazzato Station of Villa Opicina, on the Slovenia-Italian border.  
Novi Ligure 16/1/05 32k Fabio Canepa Station of Novi Ligure, on the Alessandria-Genoa line.  
Terni-L'Aquila 29/12/04 26k Maurizio Lattanzi Line Terni-L'Aquila. Read the .doc file (in Italian) for details.  
Rome-Lido 14/11/04 154k Angelo d'Elia Traffic between the Rome San Paolo and the coastal town of Lido (Cristoforo Colombo).  
Venice-Udine 22/09/04 32k Paolo Scarazzato New version of the Venice-Udine line.  
Florence-Rome 14/9/04 68k Michele Dell'Accio High-speed line between Florence and Rome.  
Fiorenzuola 22/11/04 25k Davide Fiorenzuola station (updated version of 11/22/04).  
Milan hub 26/8/04 260k Paolo Rosati The entire Milan hub, including a simplified Milan Central Station, the underground connection, and the Porta Genova and San Cristiforo stations.  
Genoa-Arquata Scrivia 1/7/04 85k Paolo Gronchi Line Genoa-Arquata Scrivia. A double line rather difficult to manage due to the local traffic on one line and the long distance traffic of the Ventimiglia-Genoa-Milan and Rome-Pisa-Genoa-Turin.  
Treviso 15/6/04 75k Paolo Scarazzato Treviso station.  
Bologna-Porretta 15/12/03 75k Danilo Vitti (*) Line Bologna-Porretta. Tight schedule local traffic.
(*) (note: replace '_' with '.' in the e-mail address)
Venice Mestre 1/12/03 50k Paolo Scarazzato Venice Mestre station and surrounding lines to Padoa e Venice S.Lucia.  
Venice S.Lucia 26/10/03 88k Michele Dell'Accio Detailed simulation of the traffic between the Venice Mestre and Venice S. Lucia stations.  
Trieste S.Andrea 7/10/03 620k Paolo Scarazzato Trieste S.Andrea and S.Andrea Smistamento stations. 1910 timetable, with a lot of steam engine movements to service the freight yard.  
Udine-Tarvisio 9/9/03 55k Michele Dell'Accio Line Udine-Tarvisio-Austrian border. This line is very detailed as it appears in reality as of 2003. A .doc file (in Italian) with more information is included.  
Genoa-La Spezia 9/10/04 220k Paolo Gronchi Genoa-La Spezia line, on the eastern Riviera.  
Pontebba 10/8/01 41k Paolo Scarazzato Udine-Tarvisio line, also known as "Pontebbana", as it was in 1960.
Detailed reproduction of passenger and freight traffic on a single track line.
The "pontebba.doc" file (in Italian) has information on the history of this line.
A graphic timetable (170k) in GIF format is also available.
Trieste 29/10/03 53k Paolo Scarazzato Passenger and freight traffic.
See the file leggimi.doc for detailed information (in Italian).
Porrettana 1954 28/3/03 185k Valerio Varriale The Porrettana line with the 1954 timetable. Specific to this line is the change from steam to electric as described in the .doc file (in Italian).  
Terontola-Foligno 28/3/03 46k Marco Abbandoni The Terontola-Foligno line. The scenario is made more interesting by the freight traffic from the Bologna-Firenze line that takes place on the Friday. Every day has a slightly different traffic pattern.  
Naples C.F. 8/3/03 46k Ferraro Marcello Naples Rapid Transit and Naples Campi Flegrei station.  
Lugo 8/3/03 40k Alberto Franceschini Lines of Lughese.  
Bologna-Prato 15/12/03 70k Danilo Vitti (*) Bologna-Prato line on the high-speed Bologna-Florence line (direttissima).
(*) (note: replace '_' with '.' in the e-mail address)
Rome Tuscolana 15/12/03 18k Danilo Vitti (*) Rome Tuscolana station.
(*) (note: replace '_' with '.' in the e-mail address)
Piacenza-Parma 1/2/03 64k Michele Dell'Accio Piacenza to Parma section on the main Italian line between Milan and Bologna.  
Acqui 1/2/03 20k ? Acqui Terme station, on the Asti-Genova and Alessandria-Savona lines.  
Genoa-Ventimiglia 30/12/02 354k Paolo Gronchi Line Genoa Sestri - Ventimiglia. Over 150 Km of track are simulated in this scenario. Traffic comprises shuttle trains that serve the many stations of Genoa, mid and long-range trains to Ventimiglia and France, and freight trains to the several ports along the line. You are advised to use a 2x or 1x speed, given the high number of trains to manage.  
Bologna-Vignola 30/12/02 45k Alberto Franceschini This scenario describes the east/south-east portion of the future SFM of Bologna, and particularly the rebuilt Ferrovia Casalecchio-Vignola, which merges with the line Bologna-Pistoia.  
Orte 24/9/02 32k Massimiliano e
Michele Urbani
Orte station, on the "Direttissima" Rome-Florence line.  
Siena-Gr. 1986
Valerio Varriale The historic line Siena-Grosseto with the 1954 timetable, before the line would be integrated in the FS network, and also the current line with the 2001 timetable. The second zip file uses the 1986 timetable.
Trento-Male' 2/9/02 12k Mauro Bottegal Trento-Male' line. 2001-2002 timetable.  
Fortezza-San Candido 26/8/02 18k Ferraro Marcello Fortezza-San Candido Line. Summer 2002 timetable.
Alternative version (148k) by Paolo Scarazzato.
Chivasso-Aosta-Pre St.Didier 1/8/02 11k Diego The Chivasso-Aosta-Pre St. Didier line.
Rome Termini 16/7/02 93k Ferraro Marcello Roma Termini Station. The simulation is very complex, requiring setting the simulation speed to 2x or even 1x. A Word document (in Italian) describes in detail the scenario.  
Bologna 5/6/02 60k Alberto Franceschini Passenger and freight service at the Bologna hub.
The file (300 Kb) has the description (in English) of the scenario in .pdf and in StarOffice format.
Aulla-Lucca 5/4/02 260k Ferraro Marcello
e Emiliano Maldini
Aulla-Lucca line. Despite some errors in the train schedule, the simulation is interesting. Be careful not to use up all the platforms at Lucca station.  
Genoa P.Principe 5/4/02 45k Paolo Gronchi New simulation of the Genoa P.Principe station.
The simulation includes the "splitting" of different sections of certain trains. The sections will proceed towards different destinations.
via Formia
4/2/02 260k Ferraro Marcello Rome-Naples line (via Formia).
A very big screen is required, since this scenario uses the entire space allowed by the program (2000x1000 pixels!)
11/12/01 70k Paolo Gronchi Savona station.
The reduced dimensions version is suitable for a 800x600 screen, and has been created with the cooperation of Paolo Scarazzato.
Vignale-Premosello 5/11/01 14k Stefano Vignale-Premosello portion of the Novara-Domodossola line.
In 1977 the Milano-Arona-Domodossola was closed, thus forcing many internatinal trains to use this line as a detour.
Pisa C.le 25/11/01 70k Maurizio Serrini Version 4 of the Pisa C.le and S.Rossore stations.  
Naples 15/10/01 260k Ferraro Marcello Napoli Central Station and surrounding stations.
The zip file has a Word file with the description of the scenario.
Ge.Voltri-Nervi 15/10/01 40k Paolo Gronchi The Genoa hub, from Genova Voltri to Genova Nervi.
The zip file has a Word file with the description (in Italian) of the line.
Genoa Brignole 10/10/01 21k Paolo Gronchi Station of Genova Brignole.
See the "note_treni.xls" file for details on stock assignment.
Updated version with itineraries and icons.
Dolomiti 25/9/01 27k Paolo Scarazzato The Dolomiti line (1961).
The file cortina.doc (in Italian) has historical info on the line.
Florence SMN 29/8/01 90k Maurizio Serrini Extended version Firenze Santa Maria Novella station.
Summer 2001 timetable.
Genoa Sampierdarena 21/8/01 20k P. Gronchi Genoa Sampierdarena station.
Passenger and freight traffic.
Genoa P.Principe 28/5/01 30k Filippo Molina Station of Genoa P. Principe.
Some icons are missing in the .zip file.
See the "notetren.xls" file for details on stock assignment.
Florence SMN 29/4/01 56k Maurizio Serrini Firenze Santa Maria Novella station.
Winter 2000/2001 timetable.
CTC Cuneo 28/4/01 9k Luca Marinozzi Simulation of the CTC of Cuneo on the lines to Saluzzo and Fossano.  
Turin P.N. 1/4/00 10k Pietro Cornacchia Passenger service at the Turin Porta Nuova terminal station.
(Updated to make it work with version 3.7 of Train Director.)
Asti2 23/2/01 42k Pietro Cornacchia Asti station and surrounding secondary lines: Alessandria-Trofarello, Asti-Chivasso, Asti-Acqui, Asti-Castagnole, Alessandria-Cavallermaggiore, Bra-Carmagnola.  
Padua 11/2/01 32k Michele Dell'Accio Passenger service at the Padua station.
Udine-Venice 26/1/01 33k Michele Dell'Accio Lines Venezia-Udine, Venezia-Portogruaro and branching stations.  
Lecco-Milan 22/1/01 56k Stefano Ferrari Scenario delle linee tra Lecco e Milano. Un file in formato Word descrive con dettaglio le particolarita' della gestione di questa complessa simulazione.  
Turin hub 22/1/01 66k The Jackal Simulation of the entire passenger traffic of the metropolitan stations of Turin. 1995 timetable.  
LaSpezia3 7/1/01 17k Maurizio Serrini Extension of the La Spezia territory with the inclusion of the Lunigiana lines. You are required to assign the rolling stock according to the "last arrived, first to depart" rule.  
Turin - Cuneo - Limone 07/01/01 14k CG Passenger service of the lines south of Turin.  
Turin - Modane 10/11/00 45k The Jackal Line with heavy traffic of freight, international and commuter trains. 1995 timetable.  
Sondrio 10/14/00 12k Sebastiano Del Curto Tirano-Sondrio-Colico and Chiavenna-Colico lines.  
Alessandria 8/7/00 51k CG Similar to Udine, but a lot more complex, with many more lines and local trains to assign and dispatch.  
Turin - Chivasso 1/6/00 25k CG Commuter line.  
Casale Monf. 3/12/00 10k CG Demo of the use of path files (.pth) and the use of user created icons.  

Japanese Flag


Line Date Size Author Description  
Linea Marunouchi 3/1/18 257kB Pietro Rei The Tokyo metro Marunouchi line is a subway line in Tokyo, one of the oldest - and also one of the busiest. The scenario includes both weekdays and weekends timetables. It uses scripted signals and custom train icons (included in the zip file). It's not extremely challenging, so I added depot and empty train movements (using fictional timetables).
Additional information are available at:
Seibu Ikebukuro
Automatic version
Pietro Rei
Hyun Joon Jeong
The Seibu Ikebukuro Line (西武池袋線) is a suburb line in western Tokyo, with really extreme rush hours in the mornings and evenings. The simulation has both weekdays timetables (very hard) and weekends timetables (a little easier, but still hard). As it is pretty much difficult to play, there is some documentation attached in the zip file to understand how the line works.
More information about the line is available at:

The automatic version shows a slightly updated version of the simulation. You can watch the traffic develop on the scenario up to 60x real-time (don't increase the speed multiplier above 60x). Also, click on the X sign at the top of the layout for the desired simulated day.
A video showing the evolution of the simulation is available on YouTube

Tsurumi 11/27/13 220kB Pietro Rei The Tsurumi Line is a short passenger line in Kawasaki (in the south Tokyo suburbs) serving a portuary and industrial zone. It is famous among Japanese railway fans for its unique profile and its many branches compared to its length. Traffic is not heavy, but the 200 daily trains make for interesting dispatching.  

Polish Flag


Line Date Size Author Description  
Walbrzych-Klodzko 1990 4/23/16 50k Kay-Martin Hanschmann Simulation of the Polish line nr. 286, Walbrzych-Klodzko, in the South of Poland with a reconstructed timetable as it could have been in 1990.  

Portuguese Flag


Line Date Size Author Description  
Alfarelos 2/2/04 10k Tiago Gois Simulation of the Alfarelos station. Read the "Alfarelos.txt" file (in Portuguese and English) for more information.  
Lisboa 2/9/02 35k Rui Fonseca Simulation of the Lisboa and surroundign stations.  
Pinhal Novo 6/2/02 20k Rui Fonseca Pinhal Novo Station. Intense freight and passenger traffic.  
Entroncamento 24/12/01 8k Rui Fonseca Simulation of the Station of Entroncamento, Portugal. Traffic from the North, Beira Alta and Beira Baixa lines at working days according to the timetables of 28-5-2000.  
Fogueteiro 24/12/01 12k Rui Fonseca Simulation of the Fogueteiro line, inaugurated on September 1999 from Lisbon to Fogueteiro and futurely to link with the south line in the Pinhal Novo station Suburban and north line Passagenser Traffic at working days according to the timetables of 22-9-2000.  



Line Date Size Author Description  
SORW North
SORW South
08/12/18 3k
Danya Khomich Children's railroad (Small Oktyabrskaya Railway, SORW) near St. Petersburg. The scenario is very easy. The only difficulty is the maneuvering of the locomotives from one end of trains to the other.  
Paveletskaya 10/19/08 36k Antonio Mido K. Moscow - Paveletsk line, limited to Mikhenevo station. This difficult scenario includes many freight trains transiting through the Moscow belt, many rapid long distance trains and suburban traffic from/to the Domodedovo Airport. The README file has a description of the scenario in English, Russian, Spanish, German, French and Italian.  
Leningrad 3/3/07 15k ? Leningrad-Finlandiski Station. The comments in the readme.txt file are in Russian.  
Moscow 2000 3/3/07 30k ? Line Moscow - Povarovo. The comments in the readme.txt file are in Russian.  
Moscow 1990 3/3/07 14k ? Moscow Station. The comments in the readme.txt file are in Russian.  
Vyborg 5/6/01 10k Simeon Flit Line Finland - Vyborg - San Petersburg. Many passenger and freight trains. You only need to make the passenger trains arrive on time, yet very soon the situation gets out of control for the great number of trains.  
Oredesh 21/11/00 10k Simeon Flit Simulation of the Vyritsa - Oredezh line, 58k south-west of St. Petersburg. Many passenger and freight trains. You only need to make the passenger trains arrive on time, yet it is still very difficult not to acquire many late minutes.  

Spanish Flag


Line Date Size Author Description  
Utiel-Valè 1/27/17 50k Manuel Lladosa Line Utiel to València-Nord, with regional and commuter trains. 2016 timetable. Two files (Readme.txt, in English and Leeme.txt in Spanish) have more details on how to play the simulation.  
Bobadilla-Córdoba, Málaga,Algeciras 8/19/15 155k Antonio Roa López Lines that connect Bobadilla to Córdoba, Málaga and Algeciras, in the South of Spain, including the Málaga commuter line. 2015 timetable with random delays. Two files (in English and Spanish) describe the history of the line.
The layout uses all the available space in Train Director, and thus a very large screen is required.
Alcàzar de San Juàn a Jaèn 10/16/14 122k Antonio Roa López Lines from Alcàzar de San Juàn to Jaèn. This is the main connecting line between the center and south of Spain. 2012 timetable (the freight trains' schedule is approximate). The file "An IMPORTANT note to play.txt" has a translation of the notes from Spanish to English to highlight those cases that require splitting, merging and shunting trains.  
Caudete - Alicante - Murcia 12/14/11 110k Antonio Roa López Lines from Caudete to Alicante to Murcia, in the east of Spain. 2009 timetable. Ligical continuation of the line Chinchilla-Murcia. 2 text files, one in English, the other in Spanish, describe the history of this layout.  
Linares - Almería - Granada 4/24/11 120k Antonio Roa López Lines from Linares to Almería, Minas del Marquesado and Granada, in Southeast of Spain. Timetable is from February of 2011. Play with it is easy, because timetable is not too busy. There are two txt files in the zip file with a short explanation of the history of this layout, one in English and the other in Spanish.
bcn 3/19/11 170k Jordi Collado Simulation of the Barcelona-Sants station. The very high number of trains makes the simulation very difficult.  
costa 3/19/11 170k Jordi Collado Simulation of the lines connecting Maçanet and Barcelona. Another difficult simulation due to the number of trains (650) and the variety of destinations. A 2x or 5x simulation speed is recommended. The file README-COSTA.TXT (English) or LEEME-COSTA.txt (Spanish) describes the simulation in detail.  
Sant Vicenc-L'Hospitalet/El Prat 4/4/10 170k Jordi Collado Scenario temporarily unavailable upon the author's request who is going to make several corrections.
This Spanish scenario is the simulation of the Vilafranca and Vilanova lines, part of the railroad network that spreads from Barcelona. The simulation is extremely difficult, due to the number of trains (750) and the variety of destinations. Lots of fun, although it might give you a headache...
and Murcia-Aguilas
9/5/09 108k Antonio Roa López The second Spanish scenario is of the lines Chinchilla-Cartagena and Murcia-Aguilas, in the south-east of Spain. The timetable is from 2008, before the opening of the Reguerón's variant connecting Alicante to Murcia without going through Los Ramos-Alquerías. Well done.
Bobadilla - Granada - Moreda 5/12/08 39k Antonio Roa López The first Spanish scenario is of the lines around Bobadilla, Granada and Moreda, in the South of Spain. Actual 2007 timetable, except for freight trains.

Ukranian Flag


Line Date Size Author Description  
Kharkov 3/3/07 16k ? Kharkov Station. The comments in the readme.txt file are in Russian.  

Bandiera Regno Unito

  United Kingdom

Line Date Size Author Description  
Aberdeen 5/18/21 67 kB Petras Razanskas Simulation of the lines from Dundee to Aberdeen, in Scotland, with the continuation line towards Inverness. More info at the dedicated page.
Inverness 3/18/21 60 kB Petras Razanskas Simulation of the lines to the north-west and the station of Inverness, Scotland. More info at the dedicated page.

USA Flag

  United States

Line Date Size Author Description  
Chicago Loop 7/17/17 758k bipbip Loop section of Chicago's Rapid Transit.
Chicago's Rapid Transit comprises several lines, identified by different colors, that share the elevated tracks in the downtown area of the city in what is known as the "Chicago Loop". In this area, and especially where the lines branch to the suburbs (at Tower 12 and Tower 18), the traffic is quite heavy, especially during rush hour.
If you are interested, CTA has a YouTube channel where they put the train driver's view of all the lines (for example, here's the Brown Line).
New York Subway
lines 1,2,3
11/12/16 354k bipbip This scenario shows the movement of NYC subway's trains on the Broadway Line and its branches. Lines 1 and 3 are entirely shown, line 2 is shown between 135 St. and Flatbush Ave. stations, lines 4 and 5 are shown only in Brooklyn borough. The simulation begins at 3 a.m. and finishes at 3 a.m. in the following night. The layout uses Monday to Friday schedules (June 2016).
This is an ambitious scenario that uses up the maximum horizontal extension allowed by the simulator. Therefore it's advisable to use of an ultra-wide screen, or the use of an external web browser to show the layout on 2 independent screens.
Philadelphia 4/1/14 1.7M Guido Motta Line section between Philadelphia and Perryville, on the Northeast Corridor's line Boston - New York - Washington, D.C. The simulated section includes Philadelphia's suburbs with regional Septa traffic and long distance Amtrak traffic. The information pages included in the package describe in detail the various services and the Norac signaling system, which is also simulated. Considering that this is Guido's first scenario he did a very good job!
Requires version 3.8s of Train Director.
BART East Bay 10/7/12 600k Giampiero Caprino East Bay section of San Francisco's BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit). This scenario shows the use of the GTFS format to specify trains' schedule and the use of the switchboard to control itineraries using a separate web browser. In the near future I will publish the western part of the BART network to show how multiple scenarios can be linked.

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Created on: November, 10, 2000